
Jesus in the Dock (4)

One of the many email lists I am signed up for is the Luigi Casciloli list - this being the Italian atheist and ex-priest, who began legal proceedings in the Italian courts to get another priest to prove that Jesus existed and that he was the son of God. Anyway, the following was in my email box this morning:

Luigi Cascioli has appealed to the European Court of Human Rights

Italy (Viterbo) - Following the January 27th. 2006 hearing, which resulted in the filing of the denounce against the Catholic Church, in the person of don Enrico Righi, priest of Bagnoregio, with which ends the legal procedure of the Italian Law, Luigi Cascioli has appealed to the European Court of Human Rights (Strasbourg). Considering it is the Court to which any person may appeal when a "cause is not publicly judged or it is by a judge who has dimostrated not being independent and impartial", in his own country (Art. II -107 European Convention). We will soon publish a review of the filing of the cause spoken about. http://www.luigicascioli.it/home_eng.php

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