Chairman’s Column”, the personal blogsite of
BNP leader Nick Griffin has been silent of late. At a time when the
BNP is in crisis, with 48
BNP councillors, officials and organisers tendering their resignations since Sunday you’d think King Nick would have stepped forward and made some troop-rallying “once more unto the breach” kind of appeal to the demoralised
nazi rank and file of the
BNP, but no. The crisis escalates.
Were it not enough that the homes of two BNP members were burgled by the party’s security department – made up of ex-South African police officers – we learn from the ‘enoughisenoughnick’ blogsite – set up by the rebel faction, that Griffin had gloatingly sent Matt Single, fiance of Sadie Graham (see previous post) a personal message informing him of the ghastly deed.
Writes Mr Single on the blogsite today:
“Many people have commented as to why I have been so muted ever since I received a text message from Nick Griffin on the 9th December at lunchtime, informing me that my home had just been successfully raided by Party Security at his request.
“My immediate reaction of disbelief shortly followed by one of anger still has not diminished today, but has instead been joined with feelings of total betrayal. In retrospect, I am relieved that I have taken some quiet time to reflect on the situation fully and not be drawn into thoughts and words clouded in desires for unconsidered retribution.
“Act in haste, repent at leisure; these are wise words that I have adhered to during this difficult period.”
“…I at the drop of a hat would have given my life for Nick as his personal security, so to realise the vile and horrible way in which he has stabbed Sadie and I in the back leaves me almost speechless.
“Nick Griffin sent under ‘chairman’s orders’, five members of my own Security Department, men I have stood by through thick and thin and helped to train, to steal belongings from Sadie and I while we were away. Her computer has been accessed and Sadie’s private personal account read by dishonourable people paid by Griffin to dig around to publish information in order to hurt her. This level of betrayal by Griffin cannot be understated.”
It gets worse:
“At last years conference in Blackpool, I witnessed Collett and Hannam [the two Nazis at the centre of the split] attempt to have sexual relations with two girls that were obviously under the age of sexual consent. These vile acts and others are not only illegal, they fall completely outside of the very ethos of nationalism that is supposed to represent family values and morality."
Meanwhile, Dagenham’s Labour MP Jon Cruddas has today called on the police to look into possible illegal acts by the British National Party leadership. As previously alluded to on this site, leading officers in the BNP have been secretly recording phone conversations of some of its officials and monitoring their emails.
Saturday gone, 8 December, members of the BNP security team also gained access to the home of BNP official Sadie Graham, one of Nick Griffin’s detractors, and removed personal belongings, including a computer. Sadie Graham is a borough councillor in Broxtowe and much of her council work was on the computer. Nazi hierarchs have subsequently gone through the computer reading emails and documents, including emails that have arrived since the computer was stolen. Griffin has even boasted about reading these emails on the party website.
Cruddas’ call comes as the crisis that is tearing the BNP apart grows. On Sunday the BNP sacked two of its leading officers “on the grounds of gross misconduct.” Sadie Graham, the party’s group development officer, and Kenny Smith, the party’s head of administration, were sacked after they had begun to openly criticise the performance and behaviour of three other full-time party workers. Despite allegations of financial mismanagement, including £17,000 which appears to have gone missing from the BNP 2006 accounts (which have yet to be submitted to the Electoral Commission), Nick Griffin refused to investigate.
Instead, he set his ‘Intelligence Department’, run by former South African police officers, to look for evidence against his critics.
If Griffin thought that the sacking of Graham and Smith would end the rebellion he was deeply mistaken. Almost 50 councillors, branch organisers, regional organisers and party officials have publicly backed the duo.
“The BNP leadership is showing us its true colours,” says Jon Cruddas. “They appear to be monitoring phonecalls and emails of their members and removing computers from private households. This is not the behaviour of a normal political party and I would like to see the police investigate this.”
Cruddas is particularly concerned with the allegation that a computer with private council business and personal correspondence from voters is being scrutinised by the BNP leadership. “This is totally deplorable and must be stopped immediately. These fascistic bullyboy tactics should have no place in our political system.”
Stop the BNP
The BNP fallout so far
Andrew Gatward (West Lindsey Organiser)
Bev Jones (North West Regional Fund-Raiser, Tameside Secretary, Manchester North Fundraiser and Ex-North West Regional Organiser)
Brian Riley (Glasgow Organiser)
Charlie Baillie (Glasgow Fundholder)
Cllr Chris Beverley (Yorkshire Elections Officer, Leeds Organiser - Mark Collett's local Branch - and Advisory Council Member)
Cllr Dave Brown (Broxtowe)
Cllr Graham Partner (North West Leicestershire Fundholder)
Cllr John Ryde (East Midlands Press Officer and Education & Training Officer)
Cllr Lewis Allsebrook (Amber Valley Organiser)
Cllr Nina Brown (East Mids Regional Secretary and Broxtowe Organiser)
Cllr Roger Robertson (South East Regional Organiser and Advisory Council Member)
Cllr Sadie Graham (Head of Group Development, East Mids Regional Organiser and Advisory Council Member)
Danny Lake (YBNP Leader)
Dave Jones (National Data Protection Officer, North West Regional Secretary, Regional Press Officer and Tameside Fundholder)
Dave Taylor (Bradford Contact)
Gary Pudsey (Bridlington Organiser)
Ian Dawson (Yorkshire Regional Secretary, Former Head of Group Support and Advisory Council Member)
Ivan Winters (Bradford Fundholder)
Kenny Smith (Head of Administration, Scottish Regional Organiser, Scottish Elections Officer and Advisory Council Member)
Kieran Dinsmore (Ulster Regional Organiser)
Lee Haggan (Doncaster Organiser and Great White Records Recording Artist)
Lesley Dathan (Sunderland Fundholder)
Louise Scott (Scarborough Secretary and Northern Regional Voices Correspondent)
Malcolm Porter (West Lindsay Fundholder)
Mark Payne (Former Assistant National Treasurer)
Mark Wain (Melton & Rutland Press Officer)
Mark Westbury (Nottingham Secretary)
Matt Single (Department of Security Secretary and Training Officer)
Michael Clarke (Ashfield Organiser)
Mike Cooper (Hull Fund-Holder - Dave Hannam's local Group)
Neil Craig (Bradford Organiser)
Nicholla Smith (Managing Director of Excalibur, Falkirk Organiser and Advisory Council Member)
Nick Walsh (Hull BNP Organiser - Dave Hannam's local Group)
Paul Harris (Barnsley Organiser)
Peter (Boston, Holbeach & Spalding Fundholder)
Peter Hollings (Yorkshire Regional Fund-Raiser and Leeds Secretary - Mark Collett's local Branch)
Richard Chadfield (North West Regional Fundholder and Former Stockport Organiser)
Rick Foster (Lincoln Organiser)
Rob Walker (Wellingborough Contact)
Robert Walker (Huddersfield Organiser)
Sammy Shaw (Falkirk Fundholder and Forum Moderator)
Scott McLean (Former Deputy Chairman, Scottish Regional Organiser and Advisory Council Member)
Steve Blake (Web Editor, Head of Education & Training and Advisory Council Member)
Steve Thomson (Aberdeen Organiser)
Stuart Russell (Former National Press Officer and Advisory Council Member))
Tom Linden (Harrogate & District Organiser)
Trisha Scott (Scarborough Organiser)
Wendy Russell (East Midlands Regional Fundraiser, Regional Information Officer and Peacock Club Chairman)